I have decided to blog my ongoing work on my MA thesis. As with most graduate students, I'm sure, the whole thing is taking much longer than expected.

Friday, August 05, 2005

can't sleep

I rented and watched "Bring it on," a movie highly recommended by my U of M Eng. Lit crew: Foxy Roxy, Bad Boy Pete, Super Steve (AKA The Machine, AKA SS) and Daddy'O Burrd'O. It was OK. I was expecting a bit more. I had always wanted to be a cheerleader, but my mother forbade it because according to her it was a sport of prostitution. I've yet to meet a cheerleader who became a prostitute, but I'm sure there's one somewhere. Anyhow, I digress. The next movies on my to-watch list: Tomb Raiders, Dirty Dancing 2 - Havana Nights and Legally Blonde 2. Aahhh... the movies that rest our tired old brains...

I finished my second chapter tonight. Missed out on a meeting with Jérôme. Luckily for me, my friends are very understanding and forgiving when I call them an hour before our rendez-vous to cancel. But my second chapter is done! Half down, half to go. I wonder if I'll be able to finish chapter 3 in three days. That would be great. I also hope I'll be able to spend a bit of quality time with Ben this weekend. He's been leaving earlier to go to his new job. It's been a week and I feel I hardly see him.

Victor has agreed to proofread my thesis. I'm debating sending it to him when it's all done or sending the half that's done now. I finally understand why the "acknowledgements" page in scholarly books tend to be so long: it takes so many more people than just the "author" to pull something like this off.

The weather is getting hot and humid again. I love my A/C! :-D It was well worth the debt it has caused me on my credit card.


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