I have decided to blog my ongoing work on my MA thesis. As with most graduate students, I'm sure, the whole thing is taking much longer than expected.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

the pee is done

I've just finished it. It took me two weeks and a day. Grant it, there were 2 national holidays in there, but it still took me way too long.
Result = 38 pages of notes.
Now I eat, shower, print out these pages. When that's done I start working on Lianne's exercise. I'm hoping to work Saturday as well. I'm getting a gum graft tomorrow so I'm not too sure how prone to work I will be. Pain is usually a inefficient incentive. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
When I was working and studying I was a machine. I impressed myself with my discipline. Now, I'm much more of a slacker. It's annoying. And my production isn't what it was. Maybe the way I used to work was insane, but it's hard to believe that that's a bad thing considering how productive I was.
Anyway, 'nough said.


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