the pee is done
I've just finished it. It took me two weeks and a day. Grant it, there were 2 national holidays in there, but it still took me way too long.
Result = 38 pages of notes.
Now I eat, shower, print out these pages. When that's done I start working on Lianne's exercise. I'm hoping to work Saturday as well. I'm getting a gum graft tomorrow so I'm not too sure how prone to work I will be. Pain is usually a inefficient incentive. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
When I was working and studying I was a machine. I impressed myself with my discipline. Now, I'm much more of a slacker. It's annoying. And my production isn't what it was. Maybe the way I used to work was insane, but it's hard to believe that that's a bad thing considering how productive I was.
Anyway, 'nough said.
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