plan d'action
I was supposed to meet Lianne on Monday but had nothing to show her so I cancelled our appointment. That she may be disappointed in me made me feel guilty, so I arranged a comfortable place to work on my balcony (a bit windy, but what a great view of Montreal! window gazing pales in comparison) and started hard at my pee. I worked very well, which relieved stress and had the effect of my working not so well yesterday. Relying on stress and feelings as motivators is annoying because they are never constant. And an MA thesis cannot be written overnight, even if Steve wrote his over a week-end, the thought of which highly annoys me, but I digress... I am starting to wonder if I'm a bit too "methodic" in my writing. Maybe I should just "let it flow" a bit more.
Ben has suggested that I make a schedule. I've decided that this blog will help - 'cause that's why I started it to begin with! So, for today: I am at page 35 and would like to 'pee' until page 60 (ideally 65). If I finish before I must leave, I may either go running or read, though reading seems more of an reward and I really should run 'cause last week's weather forced veg-ness on me and my body. I must leave at around 3:45 to pick up the McGill book from Lianne, and then must buy salad & salmon for supper tonight. Fabz is our guest.
I just called Maïa. No answer. Can't help wondering if she's in labor. If so, I prioritize seeing the kids face over work! My God, a horrible thought... I sure hope this kid won't be born on the St-Jean, poor thing...
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