I have decided to blog my ongoing work on my MA thesis. As with most graduate students, I'm sure, the whole thing is taking much longer than expected.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

pre-thesis work

Part of getting my MA thesis done entails first finishing my TESL Certificate. This week is my last week. I have three final assignments to write. The first one is for Grammar for Teachers. It's due Monday. I'm starting it now. Then I will work on my History of the English Language assignment and try to get that done by Monday or Tuesday. Last, I will work on my Teaching Advanced / Bilingual Students assignment, which needs to be finished by Friday.

A week or two ago I was speaking to my classmate Tom. I was saying how my brain, when pressed to work, sometimes goes in revolt mode. I can't think. I can't read. Lately, I've been getting huge headaches. Tom was telling me that he can't relax and read a book while being conscious of all the school work he still has to finish. I, on the other hand, at times can't do otherwise. All I can do is read a book or watch a movie that has absolutely nothing to do with anything that can be related to work. It's like my brain goes into forced rest.

I must now start working on my Grammar project. I have a headache. I'd rather stay in bed and read my Heningham book. Or slouch on my balcony. Spring has finally arrived to Montreal. A first beautiful week-end to be spent indoors at my desk. The first of the many to come...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole doing things totally unrelated to thesis happens to me all the time. Even when I am working, I find myself looking forward to Oprah, or repeats of episodes of the british antique road shows.
thinking is bad.

12:51 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell me about it! In College me and my friends used to call it 'escapism'. Thinking is BAD- how true!

7:25 a.m.


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